Intentions of design patterns Part-1
In this first part we will discuss about patterns of creation
You only have to worry about memorizing only the “core intent” of a pattern so that when the architectural setting appears, it can easily identify the case of applicability.
Patterns of creation
Builder — its intention is to define a point of creation of a complex object of its representation so that this point of construction can be parameterized to construct different variations of that same object.
Singleton — Your intent is to define a point of creation of objects that need to be instantiated only once during the entire execution cycle of the solution and provide a single point of access for that reference.
Prototype — Your intent is to define a point of creation of objects that need to be instantiated using as a basis the copy of another mold object called “prototype”. All created objects come into existence containing values copied from this supposed prototype object.
Abstract Factory — its intention is to define a creation point for a family of related or dependent objects in which the concrete types of all these objects to be used are not known. The Abstract Factory is basically a “mass extension” of the Factory Method pattern.
Factory Method — its intent is to define a creation point for an object type in which the concrete type to be used is not known.