Release, Renew IPs and Clear DNS
2 min readFeb 8, 2017
Windows 8/10
- On the desktop, press Windows Key + X.
- Select Command Prompt (Admin).
- Type ipconfig / flushdns and press Enter.
Windows Vista / 7
Windows Vista requires the use of Administrator Mode to perform these functions. To use Administrator Mode, do the following:
- Click Start.
- Select Programs.
- Select Accessories and locate the shortcut for the Command Prompt
- Right-click the Command Prompt shortcut and select Run As Administrator from the submenu.
- Proceed with the instructions below for Windows XP, from the second step.
Windows XP
- Click Start. Select Run and type CMD in the placeholder for Execution. It will pop up a pop up screen where there will be a space to type commands.
- Type ipconfig / release.
- Wait a few seconds for a confirmation that the IP address has been released.
- Type ipconfig / renew.
- Wait for a few seconds for a confirmation that the IP address has been reset.
- Type ipconfig / flushdns.
- Quit the Prompt command and try to establish the connection
We can further optimize this process created a bat file, which makes life easier:
Right click. Select New and choose Text Document.
Enter the following information in the document:
- Ipconfig / release
- Ipconfig / renew
- Ipconfig / flushdns
When you save the file. Select File and Save As.
In this way: